If Biden’s Economy Were ‘Strong,’ Our Trade Partners Wouldn’t Be De-Dollarizing


The value of the American dollar is diminishing. It has been in jeopardy for over 50 years now, since the gov ended the gold standard.

 Forbes reported in 2021, that in the 50 years since the end of the gold standard federal debt has “exploded.”

The Epoch Times called this period “50 years of monetary insanity.”

Retired politician and author, Dr. Ron Paul has been advocating for the re-implementation of a gold standard since his 1982 book, “The Case for Gold.” His advocacy for the policy has continued and is heralded by the Misus Institute. 

But a return to the gold standard has yet to be widely accepted by American leaders and the future of the U.S. remains uncertain in the current economic climate. 

Especially as the dollar’s worth decreases and talk of de-dollarization continues to escalate due to our “leaders'” abuse of foreign sanctions.

The Japan Times noted that “the biggest threat to the dollar’s dominance comes not from competitive alternatives, but from the U.S. government itself.”

The report blames “U.S.-led  sanctions” that created economic hardship for other nations, leading those countries to “reduce their engagement with the U.S. financial system.”

Nations like Russia and China have expressed interest in de-dollarization for these very reasons.

In April, China Daily released an article that stated, “Until recently, this disproportional reliance on the US currency was widely accepted by most countries in the world, but now more and more countries are saying they want to reduce their dependence on the greenback.”

The report blamed the U.S. for its, “overly aggressive use of economic coercion and long-arm jurisdiction.”

“Companies are unable to conduct business with their counterparts in countries with which their governments have no dispute just because of the fear of being targeted by secondary US sanctions,” it concluded.

Now I’m not using these sources because they are considered “credible” by America’s strange standards but to display how other nations are viewing our nation and its wealth.

And looking at Russia also mirrors this sentiment. The nation’s President Vladimir Putin recently heralded de-dollarization at the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum, per Business insider

He stated, “Last year, the share of payments for Russian exports in the so-called ‘toxic’ currencies of unfriendly states halved, while the share of the ruble in export and import transactions is growing — it is approaching 40% today.”

The dollar is the “toxic” currency he spoke of. And we all know it.

I speak about this in my latest article for The Federalist, which displays why Biden’s economy isn’t “strong” and this sham can’t go on forever.


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