The Trump trial is a joke

The judge presiding over President Trump’s “hush money” case is a Biden donor. He’s a Democrat who magically just happens to be assigned to three other cases involved in this one despite the state’s requirement that judges must be randomly selected.

Not to mention that the Biden campaign got involved and made an even bigger mockery by sending a washed up Hollywood has-been to the trial on their obsolete behalf (instead of staying out of it to uphold the obvious falsehood that this isn’t an attack on Joe Biden’s biggest opponent in order to influence the election in his favor).

But THEN Judge Merchan straight up told the juror’s that they don’t have to agree on the verdict for him to consider it “unanimous.”

The manipulations and weaponization of our legal system are playing out in real time. This was predicted by Kafka and brilliantly portrayed in the classic Orson Welles film, “The Trial.”

Everything that the crazy left wackadoodles said Trump and conservatives would do is being done by them and their leaders. We literally have a “leader” who is encouraging WWIII and the political prosecution of those willing to stand up to “his” regime.

But Americans are smarter than the uniparty parasites think.

Everyday more and more people are realizing just how far this country has fallen. Watching Michael Rapaport’s shift from leftism has perfectly displayed what so many people are going through.

Dennis Quaid is now endorsing Trump and he said it best, “As president, the only thing I liked about Trump was everything he did.”

My mother was a life-long Democrat who voted for Trump in 2020. It was the first time she ever voted Republican and she now says she won’t vote Democrat again.

Americans want Peace in the Middle East, no new wars, no government overreach, a booming economy, and common sense budgets that balance American needs. We want schools that teach facts and a media that supports freedom of thought and freedom of information.

But in order to reclaim these ideals, we need to put America First and remove, prosecute, and punish every elitist who has sold us out.

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