Rhonda Perrish’s Sirens (Book Review)

World Weaver Press is one of those small publishers that writers love. They seem to have a good handle on the industry and take care of their authors. Every so often they come out with an anthology and the idea for this one really caught my attention because I had finished a novel about modern Sirens (only mine were male haha).


Anthologies are always fun because you get a variety of perspectives and styles. Reading through this particular collection was highly enjoyable. I liked the overall flow of this collection. Some of the tales in here were beautifully written and leave a lasting impression. The final story especially, which is the way it should go.

Whenever an editor is choosing pieces of a certain theme they have to take chances. I wanted to try and write something to submit to this, but didn’t have the time. Getting to sit back and explore the stories as a reader  left me with a sense of wonder-the best of fantastical emotions. There were a couple of stories that I didn’t feel worked as well as the others, but they were good in their own right.


Tastes differ. I always try to be fair and keep that knowledge close when reading other writers’ work. I’m not sure how much this anthology would appeal to most men, it is more geared toward feminine readers but I definitely recommend this to fantasy fans.

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