Taxpayers are the ones who pay for student loan “debt forgiveness”

I don’t know who needs to hear this but there are endless scholarships, grants, and work-through-college programs (and even campuses that only offer work programs) that help students graduate college DEBT FREE.

Yeah, it takes some work to stay out of debt, much like how it takes hard work to pay all of your bills and be a responsible adult.

But when the Biden regime is spending the same amount as the Army’s budget to “cancel” debt, what they don’t tell everyone is that the debt doesn’t magically go away. It just gets shifted on the taxpayers.

So when the economy is garbage and you’re paying three and four times what your were just a few years ago for gas, food, clothing, housing, utilities, and more, it’s all connected.

The federal government doesn’t care about balancing our budget. They love bankrupting Americans to keep them working as wage slaves for life. That’s why they love throwing money we don’t have at endless wars, insane spending bills, and programs that amount to nothing more than a blank check for corruption.

I busted my ass to get where I am today. I was born into a broke-ass-poor family and was homeless for a period during my senior year of high school.

But I was able to graduate, get an AA, and work my way up to being a full-time writer because I didn’t sit around crying about how shitty life was. I decided I wasn’t going to let anyone or anything stop me.

Determination, courage, faith, love, and a good work ethic will do more for every single American than the temporary relief that any debt transfer can offer.

Read my latest article on how other conservatives are reacting to the latest Biden ‘Vote-buying scheme.”

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