Happy Birthday to my red-headed boy

My crazy-fun freckle-faced boy is 6 today!

As usual I baked him a cake from scratch, cuz I don’t skimp for my kids. He wanted a strawberry/chocolate marble cake which I’ve never done before but we love strawberries and always have some in our house this time of year, so it was fun mixing them into a sauce to flavor half the batter.

And nothing pairs so well with everything as cream cheese frosting so I hand mixed that up and got all the colors ready for the silly image my song begged for.

My husband is an actual artist. He can draw anything, but I like to pretend to be a cake artist (of the mom variety, I will never claim to be like these crazy cake video people out there).

This year is all about the penguins. My son LOVES them as much as he loves building things and chasing chickens. We’ve been watching ‘March of the Penguins” regularly and I can’t even get tired of it because penguins are just so fun.

They’re pretty easy to draw.

Until you get to the feet. Or talons, or whatever.

And drawing with icing is always weird. I usually have toothpicks and tweezers on hand for all the little mishaps that occur.

The baby was the hardest part. My son wanted it to be looking up at its parents. We compromised and he’s looking at his Daddy, because dads are awesome and my husband is the best, even better than a penguin dad haha

The candy eyes add… something haha

And what’s a cake without a few sprinkles?!

It’s just a yummy way to show my little man how much I love him.

Six is such a fun age. Really, whatever age my children are at is my favorite age for them, but 6 is when I really remember starting to have fun as a kid.

So here’s to 6!

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