To Kick the Starter or not…

It’s no secret that writers’ pay isn’t steady. Hell most of us are lucky if we get any kind of royalties. I am one of the lucky few who fell into this profession and things just started to happen.

signing 3

But some of that is due to my will. I get the job done. Do what I need to do. Work with the people who know how to up my game. It’s part of the trade.

Right now I am a full fledged indie author. I have 4 publishers, 3 books, and 2 on the way in addition to the many projects I’m working on finishing.

By the Stars Cover final

One of these project is my short story collection. Dark fantasy and horror are where my heart really is and I got the idea from my main publisher when she showed interest in one of my most unique stories. I am so in love with the idea of getting this book out that I want it to be at it’s best.

I’m even working with the talented artist Dash Crowley to have some illustrations added for visual effect.

Things are always hopping when you’re an author. But life doesn’t stop. Sometimes you need funding to get a project finished.


A lot of authors have Patreon accounts, some are on go fund me. If I were to open myself up and get my reader involved in the process, I think I’d rather go the Kickstarter route. Kickstarters are great you set em up and try to reach a goal. End of story.


I’m at a crossroads. Should I keep going the way I have, or should I trust you guys to help out? I work my tail off. Always meet deadlines. Throw my all into each project.

But writing is risky, and trying to make a living off of it, even more so. What say you? Kickstarter, or no?

4 thoughts on “To Kick the Starter or not…

  1. Dave S. Koster says:

    I’ve seen some very successful kickstarter campaigns, but I couldn’t advocate one way or the other. It might be worth trying, keeping in mind that it won’t get you where you want to be.

  2. Jacqui Murray says:

    I tried a Patreon account and it flat out didn’t work. I had high hope–but it was another failed marketing campaign.

    I am thinking of promoting the Donate button in my sidebar rather than an external campaign. It’s worked for efriends. Hmm…

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